
Familiarity with lipomatic cosmetic procedure

Many people like to achieve their ideal fitness by doing various methods. There are many ways to get fit; But one of the most popular methods today is Lipomatic. Today, being fit is one of the main criteria of being handsome; For this reason, many people who cannot achieve their goals with the usual methods of fitness such as exercise, turn to cosmetic procedures such as lipomatics.

What is lipomatic and how is it done?

Lipomatics or body shaving is a non-invasive surgery with very few side effects and risks in the world and is known as one of the methods of reducing size by removing excess and redundant fat in different areas of the body such as the thighs. , abdomen, hips or other areas of the body reduce the volume of that part of the body. Contrary to the beliefs of many people, lipomatics does not cause weight loss in the patient and is only used to reduce the volume and size of different body areas, which is why it is known as body sculpting in medical science. How to perform lipomatic cosmetic procedure is not difficult for the patient and almost everyone can do it safely. Performing this procedure does not require anesthetizing the patient; But before performing the main process of lipomatic surgery, first the doctor injects a local anesthetic to the target area to numb the area so that the patient does not suffer pain.

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The most suitable candidate for performing lipomatics

Performing lipomatic cosmetic procedure is not suitable for every person, and in order to perform it, a person must have a series of special conditions and criteria in order to get good and desirable results from this cosmetic procedure.
1. For people who have accumulated excess fat in only one area of ​​their body and do not have local fat in their body, performing this operation is a very suitable option.
2. For people who are tired of doing slimming methods such as exercising and diets and did not get any special results from them
3. Some people want to achieve their ideal result in the shortest possible time, performing lipomatics is the best method.
4. If a person does not intend to increase his weight after the operation, he can use this method.
5. People who do not have special diseases such as cardiovascular, seizures and epilepsy or other cases can do it safely.
6. Women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding are suitable candidates for the operation.
7. In general, lipomatics is not recommended for people under the age of 18, and it is only suitable for people over 18 years old.

Preparation and care before performing lipomatics

In general, to perform any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary for the patient to take steps to fully prepare for the procedure. The main reason for this kind of measures is to make the patient comfortable during the operation and also to achieve a favorable and ideal result for the patient. For this reason, performing these actions is considered essential.
1. The patient must try to stop smoking and drinking alcohol for at least two days before performing lipomatics.
2. The patient must stop taking all medications that cause blood clotting, such as aspirin, for a certain period of time before the procedure.
3. If the patient takes special and necessary drugs, he must discuss this with his doctor before the procedure.
4. The patient must eat a light meal before the procedure so that no problem occurs during lipomatic surgery.
5. Caffeinated drinks should not be consumed the night before the day of surgery.
6. When preparing to go to the clinic and office, try to wear comfortable and loose clothes.
The patient must follow all the tips and recommendations mentioned above as well as by his specialist doctor completely and regularly in order to have positive and favorable effects on the results of lipomatics.


Uses and reasons for performing lipomatics

Lipomatics is one of the new methods in the field of cosmetic procedures in the world, which by removing and removing excess fat from certain parts of the body, makes the applicant fit. Due to the use of modern technology and science, lipomatics has many advantages over other similar methods, such as low side effects, ease of use, and favorable effects. In general, performing lipomatic cosmetic surgery is mainly used in the field of body sculpting and is considered a good option for people who are looking to reduce their body size. Among the other advantages and reasons for choosing this method over similar methods, it can be mentioned that the fat removed by the lipomatic method can be re-introduced to different areas of the body such as the hips, chest, or other areas that The patient wants to inject. Also, performing this cosmetic procedure is more popular than other methods due to its low side effects. These factors make users and applicants for body sculpting to choose lipomatic surgery in order to benefit from its advantages in addition to achieving better results.

Recovery period after lipomatic surgery

After performing lipomatic cosmetic surgery, the duration of said recovery and recovery is different between each doctor and surgeon, and in addition, the amount and extent of the operation will also have a direct impact on the duration of recovery and recovery of the patient. Also, patients must follow a series of special tips and recommendations after performing this procedure, which are explained in detail in the following sections. These tips and care after the operation are very important and necessary and will have a direct impact on the recovery rate of the patient after body sculpting. Usually, after performing the operation, the patient should go to the specialist doctor’s office for an examination after two days to examine the extent and process of recovery of the target area and, if necessary, make recommendations to increase the recovery process of the body.

Care after lipomatics

After performing the procedure, the specialist doctor will definitely inform all the points and actions that the patient must follow. The patient should follow all the mentioned recommendations regularly and accurately in order to increase the recovery process and have a positive effect on the results.
1. After performing lipomatics, the patient must use special gels in order to cause the blood to drain from the blood vessels under the skin in addition to affecting skin shrinkage. Depending on the opinion of the doctor, these genes must be used continuously for some time.
2. Medicines prescribed by a specialist doctor must be taken on time.
3. After the operation, the patient should have a healthy diet and avoid eating high-fat and low-value foods.
4. It is better for the patient to avoid sitting on a chair for a few days after the lipomatic procedure and to lie down more.

5. The patient should not do heavy activities and sports for a few days after the operation. Of course, after this period, the patient should follow the exercise regularly and exercise several days a week.
6. One day after the operation, the patient can go to the bathroom and wash his body, especially the target area, with soap and water so that the pores of the skin open well.
7. A few days after performing lipomatics, patients may feel dizzy while taking a bath and using the toilet. It is better to have a companion by the patient’s side to help him when needed.
8. Until complete recovery, the patient should not go to the swimming pool, sauna, and jacuzzi because it may cause infections in the target area.

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Side effects and risks of doing lipomatics

Today, any action or action that is used to fix defects or other cases has certain side effects for patients. Some of these operations have few side effects and others have many side effects. Lipomatics is one of the body sculpting beauty procedures, which has less side effects and is safe compared to other similar body sculpting methods. Of course, the level of expertise and skill of the doctor is not without influence in this field, and by visiting a good specialist doctor, the probability of complications can be reduced to a great extent. Possible side effects of lipomatic surgery include the following:
1. The patient may experience slight swelling and bruising in the target area, which will disappear by itself after a few days.
2. The patient may feel weak and lethargic for a few days after the body contouring procedure, which is completely normal and nothing to worry about.
3. If the process of removing excess fat is not done correctly by the doctor, the patient’s skin may be wavy and dull after recovery.
4. Although it is rare, in some cases, patients have an infection in the desired area after body contouring.

The final results obtained from performing lipomatics

After lipomatic cosmetic surgery, the final results for the patient may last between 2 to 6 months and at the end of this period, the patient will achieve the optimal and ideal fit and beauty of the body, and all the excess fat in the area will be removed. The target will be completely and permanently destroyed. Of course, after body sculpting, the result will be visible and you can enjoy the initial results. Among the other good advantages of lipomatics, it can be mentioned that almost after 2 days, the patient can get up from his bed and do his daily activities. Also, the skin of the target area will not be loose, hanging or wrinkled in any way after body contouring, and by following the recommendations and wearing a gown, the skin of this area will become smooth and firm.
The suture and scar from the incision that the doctor used to insert the cannula into the fat tissue will fade over time and disappear from view. This scar is very small, its length is approximately 3 mm, and its detection will be possible only from a close distance, and it will not make that area of ​​the skin ugly.

The cost of liposuction

Certainly, the cost of body sculpting is important for many people applying for this procedure, and all of them intend to perform this procedure at a reasonable price. In general, the cost of lipomatic surgery cannot be determined as a single price.
The costs of this operation depend on several factors and criteria and cannot be considered dependent on one factor. For example, the extent of the target area for body sculpting, or the amount of fat in that area, or other things, has a direct and significant impact on the cost, and this factor is not the same for all applicants.
In addition, some doctors may request more fees from the patient due to having a brilliant history or performing high-quality liposuction or any other service. For these reasons, the cost of lipomatics is very different, and the patient can go to clinics or offices and research the costs to know the exact amount of the costs.

Are the results of lipomatic permanent?

This question is definitely asked by many people applying for lipomatic surgery and they want to have full knowledge about it. The permanence and durability of the results and effects of lipomatics are directly related to the care and measures after the patient’s body sculpting. People who perform lipomatics have a significant ability to increase fat reserves in their body, the patient must consider a healthy lifestyle and diet after the operation and always try to avoid eating fatty foods. and avoid unhealthy and also follow sports continuously and include it in your weekly activities plan.
So, if the patient corrects his nutrition plan and uses vegetables, dairy products and healthy foods in his meals, these results can last a lifetime for the person; But otherwise, it will return to its previous state after 2 years at most.

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